Fine Art & Typography Design

Fine Art Template


For this image, which I will use as a page in my photo book, I used Adobe Photoshop to create a clipping mask to allow the picture to only show through the five squares. I used a scanner to scan in my signature, then made minor adjustments in Adobe Illustrator before placing it with the text in Adobe Photoshop.


At Bannack, I chose to photograph with the theme of things that people use to work; either to clean, produce something, or to drive their faith. I looked up several general authorities talks about the importance of being industrious, hard-working, and laborious, and I felt like several of the items I found at Bannack reflected that theme well.

For the title text in the first two images, I used Trattatello Regular, an almost-decorative Serif font.

For the body text and by-lines I used Raleway Thin, a simple Sans Serif font.

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Exploring Black and White Photography

Exploring Black and White Photography

I had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, today and snap some pictures of a couple of the exhibits. Once I took the pictures, I decided I would try something new and mess around with using black and white. Here is a small gallery of my favorite images. I am excited and personally love the way they turned out!

Because I was not allowed to use flash, and I didn’t haul a tripod on my day trip (I regretted that decision the second I stepped into the first dimly-lit exhibit), I had to experiment with different shutter speeds, the aperture, and ISO values.

I decided I loved the dramatic appeal of the black and white images. Plus, using no color embodies the spirit of one of my favorite quotes from Leonardo Da Vinci:

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Take a look!

Click on any of the following images to enlarge:


Sarah Hibbert Final Portfolio- Communications 130



Project Corrections / Time Spent: I spent an hour and a half redoing the white space on the flier project as well as half an hour improving the layout for my stationery. The corrections I made are the following:

I moved the logo in the flier to allow the trapped white space to flow off the page.

I provided more space on the top of the stationery so the text wasn’t so close to the edge.

Message: I want to showcase my work in a professional way.  I also wanted showcasing my unique, structured, fun and clean personality.

Audience: Potential client and employers.

Top Thing Learned: You should always sketch out ideas before you get on the computer. Also I loved learning how to create professional logos.

Future application of Visual Media: I will look for opportunities to improve the quality of design in both my work place and my personal life (such as church or a job as a public relations manager for a business).

Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, black

Title Font Name & Category: Raleway- sans serif

Sub-Title Font Name & Category: Noteworthy- script

Copy Font Name & Category: Raleway- sans serif

Thumbnails of Images used:



Sources (Links to images on original websites):